Norrbottens Destilleri started with the express purpose of sourcing and producing in harmony with nature. We strive to always pay attention to the cyclical, life-sustaining processes in nature, treading carefully in everything we do to not disrupt them. Wherever we are present, we make sure our use of natural resources never exceeds nature's regenerative ability.
We favor relationships with people conscious of their environmental impact, auditing suppliers rigorously and partnering with farmers that are mindful of the soil and the plants they grow in it. Nature is such a fundamental piece of who we are as a company, so we always take extra steps and measures to treat it right.
Our respect for nature is shaped by the Swedish Allemansrätten ("the everyman's right"). Granted by the Swedish constitution, Allemansrätten allows you the freedom to roam in the countryside as long as you don't disturb or destroy anything. It's a liberty essential to many swedes' love of the outdoors, including ours.
A large share of our locally sourced botanicals are collected from organic certified estates in the Töre SE vicinity that we own the right to forage. Thanks to our close dialogue with the landowner, we can ensure that our sourcing practices are always as sustainable as possible. We only collect when the estate's plants are mature to give them time and breathing space to regenerate. The birch leaves used in Mountain are picked at a certain height, specified by the landowner, to protect the trees.
Our distillery premises are partly run on renewable energy generated by hydropower from the Lule River. The Akkajaure reservoir, located at the headwaters of the Lule River within the Stora Sjöfallet, is one of our favorite spots in Norrbotten. It's a place of otherworldly tranquility that reminds us of nature's awe-inspiring beauty.